Half Day Program

Morning – 9:00 – 12:00 • Afternoon 1:00 – 4:00

at our Mark Street Location

Weekly Menus

Based on Canada’s food guide for healthy snacks, the children are involved in our ‘family’ style meal time, by clearing their dishes and having conversations around the table with educators and their peers. Educators model table manners and encourage healthy choices.


Play-based Learning

We allow children to explore and offer gross motor play, active play as well as rest and quiet time and consider the individual needs of the children receiving care.


Family Involvement

Parents and families are invited to be involved in their child(ren)’s program by; fundraising, sharing learning opportunities - parents/caregivers are encouraged to volunteer and visit and share experiences with children and educators throughout the year.


Field Trips & Outings

During the year, we will have a variety of special guests visit the Kinderschool (i.e. musicians, police officers, firefighters, paramedics)